When you decide to schedule a reflexology massage, you can rest assured that you'll be able to experience the many benefits of this treatment. The massage is highly relaxing, and you can even choose to address specific health concerns or issues with a specific pressure point hand or foot massage. The first step is scheduling a Custom Massage to determine if this treatment is right for you. During this session, you can discuss your specific concerns and find out whether reflexology is right for you.
Reflexology MassageReflexology works by using gentle pressure on specific points of the body, like those on the feet and ears, to alleviate stress and help the body function better. This therapy is often referred to as zone therapy and is similar to acupuncture, which uses points on the entire body to promote healing. Despite these similarities, however, it is a distinct form of massage. Reflexology uses specific points on the hands and feet to affect the body as a whole, and a qualified reflexologist can help you achieve the most beneficial results.
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